Friday 16 October 2015


Yesterday was the guest lectures from Amanda Dodd, head of top digital agency Koogar. I found her talk on social media and online presence inspiration as a blogger myself, the ideas she portrayed around how the community buy from the community, as she put it "people sell people" and that your likability online is paramount in correlation to what your potential future employees and clients find on your social media pages.

That your Saturday night should not translate to your Monday morning. She also brought up the important factors to stay on all social media and how each is used for different reasons. 
LinkedIn is utilised like a careers Facebook page, future clients will want to see extra CV additions and also allows your future employee to look a little into your interests, which Dodd pointed out is completely crucial in the world of art and design, personality and likability. 

Social media pages can translate to your overall tone of voice and contribute extras to your personality which can be workshopped to work to your advantage, such as the idea that promoting blog posts = keen and hardworking employee outside of the work place.

We both share the same thoughts on how advertising in television is on the decline, and how with the technology of being able to pause live tv we can skip all adverts when going to make a cup of tea. 

Dodd made some valid pointers on being niche and having a difference, that having an extra bit of personality to carry you through an interview makes you memorable, and in her case even if that means leaving behind a portfolio in the interviewing room, and being told she got the job afterwards.
Being niche and finding your specific area of interest within the industry is the most important aspect of applying for the job you want to achieve as its refined research informs how to carry yourself and what specific work to tailor your portfolio around to be successful in the interview. 

I approached Amanda afterwards to discuss her thoughts on blogging and being local to where I live if I could drop in for a meeting soon for brand partnerships. I find it an important aspect to keep contact with your client lists and luckily Koogar is a Birkenhead based company which is within walking distance. So my intentions is to secure some work with her, even as a social media admin worker as I have great interest in social media and its profound effect on advertising.

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