Friday 19 February 2016


Throughout this module I've been playing around with the ideas of the fashion and beauty industry, as I further explore ideas surrounding our personal interpretations of beauty and what society deems to be beautiful. I discuss in this post what I'm intending to do with a few weeks of planning.

My first source of inspiration was what the public saw as being beautiful through popular platforms like Twitter and Instagram, as particularly a lot of females go online instead of print for their latest source of what trends are in, which shows a level of conformity instead of letting their natural or personal views of beauty shine through.

What I intend to show within my work is that beauty is in the eye of the beheld and not the beholder.

Since my two photoshoots before christmas I have been experimenting with ideas of a new way of portraying beauty. I've collected together a vast amount of models from Alternative Fashion Week whilst also collaborating with two makeup artists and a hair stylist as they help me form an interpretation of personal beauty.
I drew the conclusion that I cannot form the beauty that they feel and that each girl needs to open up about how they want to be seen and the stylists and artists can develop a look tailored to that, as opposed to me creating an identity for them. This will allow me to gather a large range of mixed results as each girls narrative will be totally different to the next.

A few examples of discussed work is utilising the relationship of age between beauty, as one of the models is in her thirties she finds it increasingly difficult to be accepted into an industry that has a young life span but considering her young looking appearance she tries to use her existing beauty and self love to book jobs. She said that in her younger years she was naive and being an older model makes her smart and feel beautiful because she has a concept of her appearance more. She told me she sees a models life like a clock and every second is a lot quicker than most peoples due to living a fast paced lifestyle whilst maintaining family life. She said she feels like she's pulled in two different universes; one that she wants to slow down time for herself and her family to remember every precious moment, whilst the models life is instant, like a flash and an opportunity or your time has gone.

Another example is that tattoos have a reputation for seeming harsh. Whilst this girl feels delicate and fairy-like, she feels at her most beautiful when she can dress how she wants, and act the way she wants. She also designs beautiful costumes outside of modelling and wants  to utilise her costumes as that brings her joy, whilst her tattoos speak volumes about herself. All these little details are going to be highlighted in UV paint to portray that beauty is in the small details and it's what us individually make of our own beauty instead of judging others. Hence why the UV paint is decided by the person and not what we think she should be painting onto her body.

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